Sunday, September 23, 2012


Reflection 1
  • The first class reminds us on what we have learned during the Introduction to Psychology. After the class we are able to differentiate learning and non-learning activities. Besides that, we have also learned that learning can be recognized based on certain criterion which is, long term change of behavior, due to experience and that the behavior must be associated with mental representation and changing of behavior.

  •  Upon our first encounter with the symbol guessing game, it is unbelievable knowing that our brains are able to translate and interpret symbols into sensible phrases. This particular game really pushes our mind to think out of the box provided that we have some knowledge and to at least be familiar with phrases suchs as; round of applause, coffee break, over the moon, circles of friends and etc.
  • The wonders of our minds have yet to be fully unraveled. Despite this mystery, we are in constant gratitude to Allah for blessing us with excellent brains to be fully optimized.

  • We are now aware of the existence of vast amount of Quranic verses related to the matters of psychology such as behavior, social learning and cognitive. Althoughwe might b e troubled by the difficulties of identifying and finding Quranic verses that related the those categories to a lack of Quranic knowledge and language, we are nevertheless, truly satisfied for finding the basis of behaviorism, social learning and cognition in the following verses shown below:

al - Hujurat


al - Isra

  • We have quite a challenging time labelling the different parts of a neuron and for those who have yet to take up physiological psychology, this task would be very much confusing. What's more, things have gotten out of hand when the labelling goes to a human body whereby one has to be a neuron. Imaginations and creativity are very much needed here for the labelling to be completed. What have we gained from this enjoyable activity is the ease of locating and naming the different parts of neurons.
  • Nerves are of different shapes and sizes amd they function as information transmitters all across our body system. This proves that we are amazing and unique in nature and as a brilliant creation of Allah, knowing these facts should further strengthen our faith towards Him

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